What happens if I need to cancel an appointment?

We understand that illness, emergencies and changes in family circumstances happen and you may need to cancel your babysitting appointment. Whenever possible, we ask you to cancel with as much advance notice as you can provide.

To cancel an appointment, simply log into your account on the Nannies on Call platform and find the appointment you want to cancel in the “Confirmed” section (if the appointment is confirmed) or the “Pending Appointments” section (if the appointment is unconfirmed). Then click "Edit" then "Cancel Job"

If you cancel an appointment that begins in less than 24 hours, you will be automatically charged a cancellation fee equivalent to 4 hours of the Nanny’s time. The cancellation policy is in place to protect nannies, their time and their ability to earn an income. Any cancellation fee charged to families goes directly to the affected nanny.

Our cancellation policy helps us have a pool of nannies that are willing and able to work with families because they know that their time is respected and protected.

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