How do I cancel confirmed and unconfirmed appointments?

To cancel an appointment that HAS NOT been confirmed with a nanny:

  1. Click on the appointment from the left-hand menu “Pending Appointments”.
  2. Click on Edit, then click on the red button that says “Cancel Appointment”. Then Confirm Cancellation.

To cancel an appointment  that HAS already been confirmed with a nanny, go to the Dashboard and find the appointment you wish to cancel in the Confirmed section.

  1. Click on the appointment. Click on Edit, then click on the red button that says "Cancel Appointment". Then "Confirm Cancellation".
  2. Both you and the Nanny will receive an email confirming the appointment cancellation.

NOTE: If you cancel an appointment that begins in less than 24 hours, you will be automatically charged a cancellation fee equivalent to 4 hours of the Nanny’s time. The fee will then be automatically passed on to the Nanny.

Provide a reason for your cancellation:
When you cancel a confirmed nanny appointment, you'll be asked to provide a reason. Whatever message you add in this section will be passed on directly to the nanny you're cancelling so they know why you've cancelled.

NEW Cancel & Repost Feature (Updated: March 10, 2023):

When you cancel an appointment that has already been confirmed with a nanny, you now have the option to either "Confirm Cancellation" or "Cancel & Repost".

If you need to cancel a confirmed appointment because you no  longer need a nanny, then "Confirm Cancellation" is the best option.

BUT if you need to cancel an existing appointment and want to repost/rebook a similar appointment, then choosing the "Cancel & Repost" button is the best option.

After you click on the "Cancel & Repost" button, you'll be able to repost a new appointment with the exact same date, time and location as the one you just cancelled...

OR you can edit the date, time, and location by clicking on the pencil icons next to the "Dates" and "Location" sections.

When you're ready, click on the "Post to Job Board" button to post your appointment and begin the nanny search.

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