How do I rate the nanny?

  1. Your feedback about the Nanny service you receive is extremely valuable to us and to the Nannies.
  2. After paying the Nanny via the Nannies on Call platform, you will immediately be asked to rate the Nanny by answering a short question using a 5-star rating system.
  3. You will also be given the option to add your own comments about your Nanny experience.
  4. We truly appreciate you taking the time to rate each Nanny you book. Your input helps us keep only the best Nannies in our Nanny pool. It also helps nannies know they are valued and it also helps them know which areas of service they need to improve.
  5. Nannies who have an average rating below 3 stars will be removed from our Nanny pool.
  6. Any Nannies that you review with a 1 or 2-star rating will no longer show up on your list of available nannies in the future.

If for whatever reason you don't rate & review the Nanny after paying them, you can go back and do so at any time. Simply sign into your account, and from the main dashboard:

  1. Go to the hamburger menu at the top right-hand side of the screen
  2. Click Pending Reviews. 
  3. Then click Rate Now. 
  4. Follow the prompts to rate & review the Nanny

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