Is it possible to have the same nanny for every appointment?
Yes, depending on availability.
If you’d like to book one nanny for multiple appointments, select the “Request the same nanny for all dates” box when creating a multi-day booking. Only nannies who are available for all those dates will be able to apply.
- Please keep in mind that this will reduce the number of applicants. Nannies available for one or more dates will not be able to apply to your appointments.
- Our Babysitting service is designed to offer flexibility and convenience. Many of our babysitters have other jobs, studies, or personal projects, so their availability for work changes weekly.
- While you’re welcome to request any of your preferred nannies, we cannot guarantee their availability for every appointment.
If you prefer to have the same nanny more consistently—typically more than 8–10 times a month—you might want to explore our specialized Nanny Placement service through The Nanny Solution.
Hiring a regular part-time or full-time nanny with The Nanny Solution helps ensure the consistency you’re looking for and can also help you avoid potential employment classification concerns with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Occasional nannies with Nannies on Call are independent contractors. If you consistently book the same occasional nanny for an extended period, CRA might consider that nanny your employee, potentially leading to additional tax obligations.